主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

2020-01-27 19:41:34




















Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Newly Discovered Mineral Prospect-denotes a mineral occurrence of commercial value or value for further work, which has been recently found on the basis of the information obtained by regional geological survey, mineral reconnaissance, geophysical and geochemical anomalies, and mineral potentials, or found on the basis of known mineral occurrences (including previously negated ones) and clues furnished by the local people engaged in mining and through preliminary work during the reporting period. The main requirements are as follows: ① the distribution and burial conditions of orebodies have been revealed and controlled by some geological survey and necessary engineering work; ② ore has been regularly sampled and analyzed and the ore grade meets current requirements for commercial exploitation and utilization of ore; ③ the amount of mineral resources in a prospect should reach 1/2 of the upper limit of a small size in the “Criteria for the Size Classification of Mineral

Resources and Reserves”; ④ the categories of mineral resources/reserves are mainly assigned to controlled resources (332), inferred resources (333) and predicted resources (3341); and ⑤ relevant data such as geological plan maps, sections, engineering documents, sampling location maps and brief explanatory notes should be submitted.

Reserves-refer to that part of the reserve base which could be economically extracted or produced. After studies of economic, mining, beneficiation and smelting, environmental, legal, market,social and governmental factors and consequential revision, it is indicated that that part of the reserve base is economically extractable or has been extracted at the time of prefeasibility study, feasibility study or formulation of an annual extraction plan. According to the degree of geological reliability and stages of the feasibility evaluation, reserves may be divided into extractable reserves and pre-extractable reserves.

Reserve Base-refers to that part of identified mineral resources that meet specified criteria related to current mining and production practices (including those for grade, quality, thickness and mining technology) and are controlled and demonstrated through detailed reconnaissance and exploration and considered currently economic and marginally economic through the feasibility study and prefeasibility study. The reserve base is expressed by a quantity from which the design loss and mining loss are not deducted. According to the degree of geological reliability and stages of the feasibility evaluation, the reserve base may be divided into the demonstrated economic reserve base,controlled economic reserve base, demonstrated marginally economic reserve base and controlled marginally economic reserve base.

Resources-refer to that part of identified mineral resources and potential mineral resources,including those considered submarginally economic through the feasibility study or prefeasibility study and those considered potentially economic through exploration but without a feasibility study or pre-feasibility study, as well as predicted mineral resources through regional reconnaissance.

Footage of Pitting-refers to the progress of various underground workings excavated by rock drills or man operations. It is calculated by “meters” and rounded off.

Footage of Core Drilling-refers to the penetration of rotary or percussive drilling driven by power machinery that recovers the core in order to study the underground geology. The drills include hand-lever feed drills, hydraulic feed drills, oil drills, marine oil drills, hydrological and water well drills,and truck-mounted drills. It is calculated by “meters” and rounded off.

Expenditures for Geological Exploration-refer to the expenditures for geological exploration operations from various sources completed during the reporting period. They include funds allocated from the central and local finances for geological exploration, funds invested by enterprises and institutions,Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan businessmen, and foreign businessmen for geological exploration, and other funds.

Central Budgetary Allocations-refer to expenditures directly used for geological exploration and mineral resources compensation fees arranged by the state budgeted revenue and expenditure subject,which are actually completed during the reporting period.

Local Budgetary Allocations-refer to expenditures for geological exploration and mineral resources compensation fees allocated by local finance, which are actually completed during the reporting period.

Mineral Resources Compensation Fees-refer to the mineral resources compensation fees shared by central and local finances that are used for the expenditures of geological exploration. The share of mineral resources compensation fees obtained by central finance is included in the central budgetary allocations, and the share of mineral resources compensation fees obtained by local finance is included in the local budgetary allocations.

Funds from Enterprises and Institutions-refer to the funds invested by various enterprises and institutions for geological exploration, which are completed during the reporting period.

Funds from Domestic Enterprises and Institutions-refer to the funds invested by State-owned and collective-owned enterprises and institutions and private enterprises for geological exploration, which are completed during the reporting period.

Investments from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-refer to the funds invested by Hong Kong,Macao, and Taiwan enterprises or economic establishments or individuals in cash, kind (converted into money according to the price indices) and techniques for geological exploration according to relevant policies, laws and regulations of China.

Foreign Investments-refer to the funds invested from abroad for geological exploration, which are completed during the reporting period. They include foreign direct investments, foreign loans (loans from foreign governments, loans from international financial organizations, export loan, commercial loans from foreign banks, and bonds and stocks issued abroad) and other investments of foreigners (including compensation trade, processing and assembling for which the equipment funds are provided by foreign businessmen, and international leasing), but not include China’s equity exchange capitals (including national exchanges, local exchanges, floating exchanges, accommodation exchanges, and foreign exchanges loans issued using the equity capital of the Bank of China).

Other Investments-refer to the funds invested as revenues from transfer of geological achievements, oilfield maintenance charges, maintenance fee for simple reproduction and funds for scientific and technological research for geological exploration.

Yearend Employees in Exploration-refer to all the persons who work for geological exploration and receive payments at year end.

Technical Personnel-refer to professional technical persons who work for the geological exploration and receive payment and have technical titles of geological exploration at and above the junior title. They include geological technical personnel, engineering technical personnel, geophysical and geochemical technical personnel, surveying and mapping personnel, and technical personnel for identification and chemical analysis of rocks and minerals.

Average Employees-refer to the average daily number of employees during the reporting period.The average number of employees=(A+B)/2 or C/12.

A=number of employees at year beginning.

B=number of employees at year end.

C=the sum of the average monthly numbers during the current year.

Remuneration of Labor-refers to the total sum of payment of labor paid directly to the employees engaged in geological exploration during a particular period of time. It includes the sum of salaries and wages of staff and payment of other employees.





2022-02-21 10:28:06
2013-04-09 17:12:00



场内基金是指像股票一样可以在证券交易所上市交易的证券投资基金。常见的场内基金有封闭式基金、上市型开放式基金 (LOF)、交易型开放式基金 (ETF) 和分级基金等。场内基金有一级市场申购赎回和二级市场交易两种投资方式。








场外基金是指不在证券交易所上市交易,在银行、 证券公司、第三方理财平台或基金公司直销平台交易的基金。目前,大多数基金都是场外基金。







2020-11-13 13:08:00